Primo Japan Inc., announces that, as a part of its CSR activities titled “PRIMO RING PROJECT,” a clean-up activity of Mt. Fuji was held on June 16 in and around Obuchi area (along the Mt. Fuji Sky Line Road), Fuji city, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Our corporate logotype includes not only “people” as human resources and “relationship between people” by using a kanji character "人" but also the beautiful scenery of Mt.Fuji reflected on the surface of water to describe our principle of developing our global business through the concept of Omotenashi, the Japanese way of hospitality. We have participated in annual clean-up activities of Mt. Fuji since 2013 in collaboration with Fujisan (Mt.Fuji) Club, a Nonprofit Organization.


Despite a small amount of rainfall, nineteen voluntary members from our shops and offices of the Central and Eastern part of Japan participated in our fourth clean-up of Mt. Fuji. Last year, we found that a lot of litter seemed to have been thrown away recently. However, this year’s litter mainly consisted of plastics, tins and bottles which seemed to have been there for a long time. “We can say that the recent visitors to Mt.Fuji have become more eco-friendly than before when we think of the fact that we collect older litter instead of more recent litter,” an official of Fujisan Club said. We all hope that no litter is found in and around Mt. Fuji in future, and will continue the clean-up event until the day comes.


Primo Japan will enhance our CSR activities through "PRIMO RING PROJECT".


■Activity Report


June 16, 2016


19 members from Primo Japan


Obuchi area (along the Mt. Fuji Sky Line Road), Fuji city, Shizuoka Prefecture

Type of Event: Clean-up of Mt. Fuji (litter collection)